Move to Florida

journal > 1968 > Move to Florida

Move to Florida 1965 Février_1
Move to Florida 1967-1968
Move to Florida 1967 Noël
Move to Florida 1968 Janvier_1
Move to Florida 1968 Janvier
Move to Florida 1968 23 mars
Move to Florida 1968 23 mars_1
Move to Florida 1968 Aout Capitole
Move to Florida 1968 Août Maison Blanche
Move to Florida 1968 Août
Move to Florida 20160826141342_08
moving out
Move to Florida 1969 Février_1
Move to Florida 1969 Février

Move from Lexington Massachussets to Gainesville Florida - August, 1968?

source: \Manon\Diapositives - Lafarge\Diapositives\Boite rouge Petite\48\

Unprocessed photos under \1968\BrP-48\hold\

Problems caused by dots in file names. Add routine to issue warning and replace dots in filenames with underscores.

Recut to remove dimesion mask

Keywords: bike, dog, house, street
People: , Anne-Marie, Christopher, Karen, Marc, Philip
Locations: Norwich
Dates: 1965:02:26 - 1970:12:31