Hayes house, 1971

journal > 1971 > Hayes house, 1971

Hayes house or White house

Hayes house, 1971 20160827131752_11
Hayes house
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_04
at Hayes house with Gaea and legos
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_05
Philip, Marc and ice cream in Hayes kitchen, 1970?
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_06
at Hayes house
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_07
Philip with gerbils
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_08
gym set
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_11
playing on the gym set
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_12
Hayes house
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132020_01
Christopher and Marc in Hayes yard
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_02
Marc and Gaea
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_03
Philip and Marc with birds at Hayes house
Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_09
walking young Gaea

Route 4, Box 342a


summer pilgrimage to the Woodlot - 1806 Beaver Meadow Road, Sharon, Vermont

Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_10
camping in Vermont, Marc and Philip

Lambert house at 11528 SW 8th Avenue

Hayes house, 1971 20160827132001_01
11528 house
Hayes house, 1971 20160827131752_12
Marc in the 11528 utility room

We move across the street into the house the Lambert family lived in

source: \Manon\Diapositives - Lafarge\Diapositives\Boite rouge Petite\67\

Keywords: bird, dog, house, photograph, road
People: Anne-Marie, Christopher, George, Marc, Philip
Locations: Gainesville, Vermont
Dates: 1971:01:01 - 1971:12:31