Thanksgiving at the ICA
Birds feeding in the neighbour's papaya tree, 12/14 Light-vented Bulbul 白頭翁 Pycnonotus sinensis, Spotted Dove 斑頸鳩 Streptopelia chinensis, Streak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler 小彎嘴畫眉 Pomatorhinus ruficollis, Black-browed Barbet 五色鳥 Megalaima oorti and Black-collared Starling 烏領椋鳥 Sturnus nigricollis
Hike from BaoQing Gong 寶慶宮 (above WuLai 烏來) - Betty Lou 拔刀爾山 (1118m) - HongHeGu 紅河谷 - Bruce, Chuck and Philip on 12/21. The weather is cool (12-14C) and dry but overcast. The path up to BaDaoEr as well as the summit has been widely cleared. We are unable to find the path west along the ridge towards the HongHeGu LeLeGu saddle 紅河谷-樂樂谷鞍部 so beat a path down north into HongHeGu (JiaJiuLiao 加九寮) and out.