
journal > 2008 > August

August DSC_2813
drongos in New Garden City
August DSC_2814
August DSC_2818
Pitaya or Dragonfruit 火龍果 Hylocereus undatus
August DSC_2819
August DSC_2824
August DSC_2830
Greg, Julia and Jessie at Asiadnet
August DSC_2834
Greg and Sarah
August DSC_2838
Greg, Julia, Jessie and Daphne
August DSC_2840
Sarah and Jessie having dinner
August DSC_2848
Tammy and the fruit seller at the NGC bus stop
August DSC_2852
NGC bus stop pigeons
August DSC_2853
August DSC_2857
August DSC_2874
typhoon clean up equipment
August DSC_2877
business on the Green 3
August DSC_2882
August DSC_2885
The Qingtan Stream 青潭溪 is turbid from the typhoon
August DSC_2887
August DSC_2894
Taiwanese white-toothed shrew 細尾長尾鼩 Soriculus sodalis
August DSC_2895
August DSC_2900
dog house growth
August DSC_2910
lunch at Tequila Time Mexican restaurant 仙人掌墨西哥餐廳
August DSC_2917-19
panorama looking west from Asiadnet
August DSC_2921
August DSC_2926
Madonna Catholic Atayal church in Wulai
August DSC_2932
lunch at Taiya Popo 泰雅婆婆 in Wulai 烏來
August DSC_2935
Sayun demonstrating band weaving
August DSC_2939
August DSC_2943
Sayun weaving in her curtain
August DSC_2945
Dorcas and Sayun's loom
August DSC_2947
Maya, Sayun and Dorcas
August DSC_2950
Philip at Sayun's house
August DSC_2964
pristine sunset
August DSC_2965
August DSC_2984
August DSC_2988
August DSC_2990
Xiaofan, Steffani and Dan singing at Dan's
August DSC_2992
August DSC_3025
dragonflies in NGC
August DSC_3027

August - New Garden City, Asiadnet, Typhoons, Wulai visit, visit with Dan

Keywords: bird, flower, indigenous, mammal, reptile
People: Dan, Daphne, Dorcas, Greg, Jessie, Maya, Philip, Sarah, Sayun, Stefani
Dates: 2008:07:20 - 2008:08:17