Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm

journal > 2014 > Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm

Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0375
Ramie plant 青苧麻 (qīng níngmá) Boehmeria nivea - A particular variety grown in Taiwan by indigenous people to make cloth
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0376
Ramie plant 青苧麻 (qīng níngmá) Boehmeria nivea - A particular variety grown in Taiwan by indigenous people to make cloth
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0377
Ramie plant 青苧麻 (qīng níngmá) Boehmeria nivea - A particular variety grown in Taiwan by indigenous people to make cloth
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0378
Job's tears (aka pearl barley) 薏苡 (yìyǐ) Coix lacryma-jobi
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0379
Gardening area above the main building
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0380
Fields and terraces with many kinds of plants commonly used by indigenous people in Taiwan. The terraces used to grow dryland rice.
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0381
Some trash to deal with
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0382
terrace overlooking the nearby stream
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0383
View from the site looking across the river
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0384
桐溪 (tóngxī)
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0385
桐溪 (tóngxī)
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0386
Stream bed
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0387
Place across the way doing funky things
Visit with Wanchi to Tongxi 桐溪 Farm DSC_0388
Plants of the area
Keyword: river
Date: 2014:03:18