
Dec 25 - Kunming - Stone Forest

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Rosie joins us driving southeast from Kunming to the Stone Forest on Yunnan's new highways.

Stone Forest 石林

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coy fish conference
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The Stone Forest (石林), covering an area of 400 square kilometers (96,000 acres) in Lunan (路南) Yi Nationality Autonomous County (彝族自治县) is 120 kilometers (75 miles) southeast from Kunming (昆明) or a three-hour drive. 270 million years ago the area was an expanse of limestone sediment accumulated on the seafloor. Seismic activity gradually pushed the area up to become land. Rain and wind erosion left behind the karst stone peaks, pillars, and stalagmites.

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Jim inspects a video parlor
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Back in Kunming, we take a short break before heading out to Dr. Tea and then for a second visit to Yunnan Families

Dr. Tea 茶博士家

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The Dr. is not in, but the assistants make a presentation of Yunnan teas. Pu-erh is a type of tea made from Camellia sinensis and named after Pu'er county near Simao (思茅), Yunnan, China. Pu-erh is a type of green post-fermented tea. Unlike other teas that should ideally be consumed shortly after production, pu-erh can be drunk immediately or aged for many years. Pu-erh teas are classified by year and region of production like wine. Pu-erh tea is typically available as cakes of compacted tea. We were told the Pu-erh tea we drank and purchased here was over ten years old.

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Second visit to Yunnan Families
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back to the backpacker cafe