The Ball Place, Sharon, Vermont, 4-20 June 2007 camping trip
This knob cleared off by JED and GED in 1958 circa afforded a fine view to the Northwest. At present, it is part of Kitchel's property and has grown over.
Mare aux castors (the south edge of this former beaver pond is still part of the Ball place)
chemin forestier - well restored by Charlie Stabolepszy, our forester
Photo of entry with newly re-seated pole on the right and in background, accross the Beaver Meadow Road, a pergola of the Pinettes
Coburn's general store, South Strafford, about 5 miles from the Ball Place. Formerly Varney's. We used to use their laundry facility, down behind, to dry out our sleeping bags after hard rain.
Colombine or ancolia, frequenting comes up on forests after a burn. Sometimes called a reversed crown and associated with melancolia.
Twin tower white pines behind & above campsite. We are especially fond of these magnificent two trees.
water was plentiful this time, clear and cold
water must be at around 40°F