We take a train to Ilan and then drive to Wenxian's farm 加留沙埔農場
After a survey of the farm and harvest, we return to the homestead to prepare and eat lunch.
From an interview of Wenxian on Taiwan's Public Television Station, posted on friends' Chi-wen and Ji-ren's blog: 每一次來到這樣的地方,我都會一直浸淫在的久久感動裡面。人跟土地可以緊密地結合,能夠在土地和自然裡學到各種你需要的智慧。不只是農業,也不只是經濟,卻是聯結到我們整個的生活面,包括生態和生活教育以及整個人的身心靈發展都有非常大的幫助,也能夠把古代的、現代的、未來的都聯結在一塊,古代的智慧可以用在現在這個時空。
After lunch we return to the fields to harvest bamboo and peanuts.
宜蘭縣壯圍鄉,楊文獻的加留沙埔農場 - Philip, Tammy and Permaculture Community Members