Ananda PDC 2016
> Ananda PDC 2016
Making A-frame levels to measure contours
Chiu Yie-Ru instructs on A-frame level use
Pond to store water and alleviate run-off, grows crops
Railroad tie stairs
Another shot of the retention pond
Naturally swimming pool/pond with covered veranda
Veranda that sits next/over the natural swimming pool
Pepper family?
Short cut leading up from the road to main hall
Looking down from the short cut
What's this ground cover plant?
Malabar fruit
Bind weed (aka morning glory)
Leaf-hemp vine
A plot of guava trees with unpicked fruit
More wasted fruit
Still a few good ones left
Discovered another plot of bananas with fruit ready to pick
Another bunch
Common pioneer bush/tree in the area
Glad that I discovered these, enough bananas for the entire PDC group
Another nitrogen fixer
印度田菁 Sesbanin sesban (L.) Merr.
The front entrance to the wellness center
The sign on the main road
The site is divided by a public road
Jambul 閻浮樹 Syzygium cumini
Jambul 閻浮樹 Syzygium cumini
Jambul 閻浮樹 Syzygium cumini
A bench that we made with rammed tires and recycled wood panels
Last year's project
This years vegetable garden project with passive water capture earthworks
Water system run-off designed to flow through the beds passively
Large pond for greywater and crop production
Phil the organic farmer tilling his main crops
The main pond with the wellness center in the background
Jackfruit and coconut trees
Lotus almost ready for harvest
The PDC graduates
Me being my silly self
The last hurrah!
Dates: 2016:08:20 - 2016:08:31