Cindy and Sophie visit Taiwan

journal > 2005 > Cindy and Sophie visit Taiwan

February 11 - Bitan 碧潭 and Guandu 關渡

Bitan 碧潭 after New Years. "Jade Lake" is a resort area in southern Taipei at the terminus of the Xindian subway line. The weather has warmed and rain has let up from the last few days. This is Cindy and her Mom's third full day in Taiwan. Cindy is rapidly recovering from a flu.

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Bitan 碧潭
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Bitan 碧潭
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Bitan market
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Bitan market
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Bitan market
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Bitan 碧潭
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Bitan 碧潭
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man with a snake
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Bitan suspension bridge (碧潭吊橋) overlooking the Xindian River (新店溪)
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Bitan suspension bridge 碧潭吊橋
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watermelon and pineapple juice
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on the subway
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the Grand Hotel 圓山飯店
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northern above-ground section of Danshui (淡水線) subway line

We take the Xindian line of the subway nearly from one end to the other, from north to south across Taipei to Guandu 關渡.

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Guandu Temple 關渡宮
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Guandu Temple 關渡宮
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Guandu Temple 關渡宮
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Guanyin 觀音, goddess of Mercy
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Guandu Temple 關渡宮
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Guandu Temple 關渡宮
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Guandu Temple 關渡宮
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Guandu Temple 關渡宮
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Guandu Temple 關渡宮

Built in 1661 for Matzu, goddess of the sea, Guandu Temple is carved into the hill above the mangrove swamps and dike along the Danshui River. The temple is busy with New Year's worshippers. An 80 meter tunnel lined with devas, cuts through the mountain from the cave to a temple to the thousand armed, thousand-eyed Guanyin, or goddess of Mercy overlooking the Danshui River.

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Chinese Bulbul 白頭翁 (báitóuwēng) Pycnonolys Sinensis
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Guandu Nature Park
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Guandu Nature Park

The 50 hectare fresh and salt water mangrove Guandu Nature Park lies in the confluence of the Keelung and Danshui River just before they empty into the Taiwan Strait northwest of Taipei.

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Guandu Nature Park
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subway home

February 12 - Taipei 101

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Philip driving
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view from Taipei 101
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damper Taipei 101
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800 ton mass damper to counter earthquakes and typhoons
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view from Taipei 101
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observation deck on 86th floor
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view from Taipei 101
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juice break in the shopping center
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Garden City

February 14 - Taipei 台北

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bus from Garden City (花園新城) to HsinTian (新店)
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ShiDa (師大) market
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ShiDa (師大) market
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ShiDa (師大) market
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ShiDa (師大) market
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ShiDa (師大) market
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subway back home form Taipei (台北) to HsinTian (新店)

February 15 - Mucha 木柵

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Gloria and Sophie
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tea fields
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Tian En Temple
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Tian En Temple
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papaya fruit
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tea drying
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Chih Nan Temple (指南宮)
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Chih Nan Temple (指南宮)
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Taipei 101
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Chih Nan Temple (指南宮)
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Chih Nan Temple (指南宮)
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Chih Nan Temple (指南宮)
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Chih Nan Temple (指南宮)
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Chih Nan Temple (指南宮)
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"ghost money"
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"ghost money"
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"ghost money"
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Chih Nan Temple (指南宮)
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Chih Nan Temple (指南宮)
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tea eggs
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Chih Nan Temple (指南宮)
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returning in Dan's truck
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February 16 - Home and Pristine

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At home in Garden City 花園新城

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Subway to Pristine

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Gongguan (公館) market
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back home

February 17 - PingLin 坪林 - Ilan 宜蘭 - SuAo 蘇澳

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drive from Taipei (台北) to Pinglin (坪林)
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old streets of PingLin (坪林)
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traditional shop
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BaoPing (protect PingLin) Temple
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view of old street from the temple
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PingLin (坪林)
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traditional medicine shop
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The BeiShi River runs through Pinglin
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PingLin is Taiwan's tea capital
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rice fields and the Pacific beyond
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rice fields
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vertical view of the east coast near SuAo (蘇澳)
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We start off on our trip south despite light rain. We drive southeast to Pinglin (坪林) and over the costal range to Ilan 宜蘭 on the Pacific coast, before driving south down the east coast of Taiwan.

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Entering Taroko National Park (太魯閣國家公園) on the East Coast highway
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Catholic hostel in Tienhsiang (天祥)
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We drive about a third of the way down the east coast of the island, nearly to the marble capital of Hualien 花蓮, before turning west on the central cross-island highway which start through Taroko 太魯閣 gorge. We spend the night at the Catholic hostel in Tienhsiang 天祥 near the top side of the gorge.

February 18 - Taroko Gorge 太魯閣

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hotsprings from bridge
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DaSha River (大沙溪) canyon upstream
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upstream from the bridge
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downstream from the bridge
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climbing back up to the road

WenShan hot springs 文山溫泉 just north of TianHsiang 天祥

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Brahmin moth 枯球籮紋蛾 (kū qiú luó wén é) Brahmaea wallichii insulata Inoue, 1984 endemic

Brahmaea wallichii insulata Inoue - 枯球籮紋蛾. Every March 3rd of the Chinese lunar calendar, is the birthday of the deity Suan-tian-shang-di 玄天上帝. Around that day. the Brahmid moth 枯球籮紋蛾 visits the statue of Suan-tian-shang-di 玄天上帝 at Shou-zhen Temple 受鎮宮 on Ali Shan 阿里山 in central Taiwan for a few days. So the moth is also called 神蝶 or "sacred butterfly." Both males and females can reach wing spans of 128~152 mm. Taken in TienHsiang at the top of Taroko gorge in January in late morning.

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TianHsiang Post Office
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Tien-Hsiang 天祥 - at the top of Taroko Gorge 太魯閣

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We walk through the tunnel between TianHsiang 天祥 and Wenshan 文山 to the BaiYang Waterfall Trail 白楊瀑布 until we are turned back by rain, go back to TianHsiang 天祥 and continue our drive West over Taiwan.

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adaptive road engineering
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hiking trails off the highway
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shen mu
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The road takes us well above the clouds
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DaYuLing (大禹嶺) at 2565m or 8415 feet
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We have a simple lunch in DaYuLing (大禹嶺)
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View of ChunYang tribal village (春陽部落) and the WanDa Reservoir (萬大水庫) further south in RenAi (仁愛鄉) of NanTou County (南投縣) from highway 14
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Our drive west and over the mountains takes us from DaYuling 大禹嶺 to Hehuan Mountian 合歡山 at 3416m where the rain and fog are heavy then down towards the west through Wushe 霧社 t@ohen to Puli 埔里 where we walk around the rebuilt city near the epicenter of the 9/21 earthquake in 1999.

February 19 - Puli 埔里

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view from hotel in Puli (埔里)
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On the Aborginal Cultural Village bus
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Aborigine performances
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fire maker
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wedding ceremony
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Atayal tatoo
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Formosan Versailles

At the Aboriginals Cultural Village we catch performances and visit rebuilt traditional homes of different tribes.

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We walk on a nature path overlooking Sun Moon Lake 日月潭 before driving down to the resort area for lunch.

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reminders of the 9-21 earthquake
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Farewell Mexican dinner in Taipei with Dan and Gloria
Keywords: bird, bridge, dog, flower, hot springs, indigenous, map, market, moth, restaurant, river, road, sign, temple, trail, tree, tunnel
People: Cindy, Dan, Gloria, Philip, Russ, Sophie, Stan, Tammy
Dates: 2005:02:11 - 2005:02:20