On the morning of Thursday, January 27th, we drive out to ShenKeng 深坑 again. We ride the short distance to the ShuangShi 雙溪 intersection and turn east on the 106 riding on the north bank of YongDing stream 永定溪 towards PingHsi 平溪 to the 33 North along 十八重溪 towards 松柏崎 and eventually HsiZhi 汐止. We ride up and near the ridge a short distance and drop back into the ShiDing valley coming back out onto the 106 near 姑娘廟.
hiking sign firmly attached with masonary nails
On the morning of Thursday, January 27th, we drive out to ShenKeng 深坑 again. We ride the short distance to the ShuangShi 雙溪 intersection and turn east on the 106 riding on the north bank of YongDing stream 永定溪 towards PingHsi 平溪 to the 33 North along 十八重溪 towards 松柏崎 and eventually HsiZhi 汐止. We ride up and near the ridge a short distance and drop back into the ShiDing valley coming back out onto the 106 near 姑娘廟.