August around the house

journal > 2014 > August around the house

August around the house DSC_2139
tent test
August around the house DSC_2140
Tent with rain fly
August around the house DSC_2142
August around the house DSC_2143
August around the house GOPR1132
herbicide application on betle nut grove above girl scout camp
August around the house DSC_3864
Bush Clock Vine 天藍立鶴花 (tiānlán lì hè huā) Thunbergia erecta
August around the house DSC_3866
top of the old water tank
August around the house DSC_3867
corner of the Girl Scout's field
August around the house DSC_3885
Long Net Stinkhorn 竹蓀 (zhú sūn) Phallus indusiatu

Long Net Stinkhorn 竹蓀 (zhú sūn) Phallus indusiatu is often misintroduced in dishes as being bamboo pith, when in fact it is a kind of fungus that grows around the roots of bamboo. Alternative English names: Bridal Veil Mushroom, Veiled Lady. Known as 竹笙 (zhú shēng) or 竹蓀 (zhú sūn) in Chinese. When referred to by its mycological name, it is called 竹蓀, but when referred to as a food ingredient it is called 竹笙. That's why more people know it by 竹笙.

Keywords: dog, flower, mushroom
People: Philip
Locations: Home, 家
Dates: 2014:08:06 - 2014:08:20