Chenggong 成功

journal > 2021 > Chenggong 成功

Signs of wildlife

Chenggong 成功 Print-2021-01-15
large pad suggests domestic dog
Chenggong 成功 Scat-2021-01-06-11-37-28-AM
Chenggong 成功 Scat-2021-01-15-7-25-05-PM
shape suggests macaque

Photos of scat and a print from 成功台東 海拔 about 200 m, border of abandoned rice field about 5 km from the ocean

Traveling by train to Yuli 玉里, we stay in a B&B befire going to visit the site the next day in Chenggong 成功. Steve plans to develop a small homestead and friendly gathering place for yoga and other healthy living pursuits, and connect the site to the betterment of the local village community.


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Sanxiantai 三仙台 in the distance
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Guava 芭樂 (bālè), 番石榴 (fān shíliú) Psidium guajava, a small tree in the myrtle family
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Formosa palm, Taiwan sugar palm 山棕 (shān zōng) Arenga engleri in the family Arecaceae
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lemon 檸檬 (níng méng) Citrus limon
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flowering rosemary
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三仙台星辰民宿 B&B
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Breadfruit 麵包樹 (miàn bāo shù) Artocarpus altilis in the mulberry and jackfruit family (Moraceae)
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water managment ?
Chenggong 成功 20210225_085017

Landscaging around the B&B suggests plants that might thrive in the area

Site survey

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Philip, Steve and the Bishop wood
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Sanxiantai 三仙台嶼 over the lower parcel
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waterworks behind headquarters
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Chinese tallow, Chinese tallow tree, Florida aspen 烏桕 (wūjiù) Triadica sebifera, native to eastern China and Taiwan
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stinking passionflower, wild maracuja, bush passion fruit 毛西番蓮 (máo xī fān lián) Passiflora foetida - perennial creeping vine
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cultivation on the land above
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Rice Paper-plant 通脫木 (tōng tuō mù) Tetrapanax papyrifer - evergreen shrub endemic to Taiwan
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camp site and water
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cleared upper terraces
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planted terraces
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camp site
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Tammy and Steve
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upper parcel

Aerial imagery

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lower parcel
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lower 五分 parcel
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upper parcel
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full site
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crest above site
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lower 五分 parcel
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lower 五分 parcel
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upper parcel terraces
Chenggong 成功 Chenggong-978x550
above Chenggong 成功 (video)


Chenggong 成功 20210225_162101
Sanxiantai 三仙台嶼
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blackberry species 虎婆刺 (hǔ pó cì), 薄瓣懸鉤子(báo bàn xuán gōu zi) Rubus croceacanthus - deciduous shrub in the rose family
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Dense-flowered False-nettle 密花苧麻 (mì huā níng má) Boehmeria densiflora ?
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Malabar melastome 野牡丹 (yě mǔ dān) Indian rhododendron Melastoma malabathricum is a hyperaccumulator of aluminium
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Philip spends another night camping
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Sunrise over the Pacific

Explore the road leading west up into the forest beyond the South edge of the property

Chenggong 成功 2021-02-26-Walk-around-map
tracing the water source
Chenggong 成功 2021-02-26-Walk-around
above the site
Chenggong 成功 2021-02-26-Walk-around-clipped
tracing the water source
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Sanxiantai 三仙台

Crossing the stream, the road climbs following the contour to the west. About just south of the property the hardtop of the road ends where several maps show the road continuing. The road surface gone reveals a concrete pipe about 60 cm in diameter along the path. As we continue, the new 5 cm black plastic pipe to the source of water comes out of the ravine to join the road. As the former road crosses smaller ravines coming in from the south, metal skeleton frames which once supported the concrete aqueduct pipe over the ravines serve as short bridges. The cement pipe is empty and broken but seems to have once delivered a significant volume of water.

As we continue northwest following the former road the canyon becomes much more deeply cut. There are signs that a torrential event destroyed large sections of the road foundation and the water cut a severe gulley where the black plastic piping continues toward the water source but we opt for an easier route walking directly through the forest more northward to the top of the ridge.

We emerge to a cultivated area of open grassland and sparsely planted new orchards at the end of a paved road leading to a farmhouse. There is a 20,000 liter cistern here, intact and uncovered but no longer in use which may have been an intermediate storage system of the concrete aqueduct we followed up through the forest below.

Continuing west to connect to the main 石雨傘產業道路road system we rediscover the plastic piping running up to the water source again. After walking up the 玉水溪 valley for a few minutes we decide to complete our walk with a circuit by walking back down toward 石雨傘 and then over to the property. (See map image.) The valley seems lightly populated by fruit orchard operations in various stages from new deployment to abandoned farms.


Chenggong 成功 AFASI-map
Agricultural and Forestry Aerial Survey Institute
Chenggong 成功 Erosion-Refuge-map
Erosion refuge map
Chenggong 成功 old-topo
Topo - coastal slopeland in the Misalo Amis area between Chenggong and Changbin in the foothills of the coastal mountain range
Chenggong 成功 registered-land-use
Registered land use designation
Chenggong 成功 Airbus-2021
Airbus 2021 - surrounded by forests but cleared areas above
Chenggong 成功 Yushui-stream-bridge
Yushui Bridge 玉水橋

Cacao-centric Food Forest or Agroforestry System

Suitable Fruit Trees and other Food Forest/Agroforest Perennials

Stabilizing Plants that produce multiple yields:

Short-term Planting Possibilities

Other Considerations

Keywords: aerial, animal, bridge, building, camping, farming, flower, geology, hike, map, ocean, plant, road, tree, vehicle, video
People: Philip, Steve, Tammy
Dates: 2021:01:10 - 2021:02:26