Plants 植物界 Plantae

Lycopodiophyta 石松門
oldest extant (living) vascular plant division
reproduce by shedding spores and have macroscopic alternation of generations
   Selaginellales 卷柏目
    Selaginellaceae 卷柏科 Spikemoss
    Plants 11025 Spikemoss
Selaginella doederleinii Hieron
Nanshixi 南勢溪 confluence with JiaJiuLiao 加九寮溪 at Honghegu 紅河谷 towards Wulai 烏來
Pteridophyta 蕨類植物門 "true" ferns
Magnoliophyta 被子植物門 flowering plants
  Magnoliopsida 木蘭綱 Seeds of dicotyledons or dicots typically contain two embryonic leaves or cotyledons.
   Ranunculales 毛茛目 (includes buttercups)
    Fumariaceae 紫堇科
    Plants 4231 corydalis
台灣黃菫 Corydalis tashiroi
Grows in central and northern mountain areas, especially in northern coastal mountain areas, where it grows along roadside and forest edge. Scattered in non-contiguous populations. Flowers January through June.
Corydalis is an herb native to Zhejiang. The tuberous rhizome is used medicinally. 2007/4/20
   Asterales 菊目 includes the composite family Asteraceae (sunflowers, daisies, thistles etc.) and its related families.
    Asteraceae 菊科 Compositae — asters, daisies and sunflowers
    Plants 4418 Japanese Thistle
南國小薊 Cirsium japonicum var. australe
Grows in low to mid elevation mountain areas along roadside and in open, grassy areas. Edible leaves and roots. The roots are anti-inflammatory, diuretic and haemostatic. A decoction of the dried roots is used in the treatment of boils and carbuncles, acute appendicitis, uterine bleeding, haematuria, nose bleeds, haematemesis and traumatic bleeding. The leaf is haemostatic and diuretic. The stem is haemostatic. 2007/4/20
    Plants 4419 Jersey cudweed, winged cudweed
鼠菊草 Gnaphalium luteoalbum ssp. affine
Widely distributed in flatlands to mid elevation mountain areas. Likes fields, disturbed land, roadsides and sloped edges of mountain roads. Used in folk medicine as a moisturizing tea for dry coughs and other respiratory issues. Primarily grows and blooms in late winter early spring, but can be found in bloom as late as August or September. (Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum) 2007/4/20
   Malpighiales 金虎尾目 includes: violets, willows, passion-fruit, mangrove, poinsettia and flax.
    Euphorbiaceae 大戟科 family of flowering plants occuring mostly in the tropics
    Plants 19235 Tung tree, Paulownia
油桐 (oil tree), 桐油樹, 光桐, 三年桐, 百年桐, 桐子樹
Vernicia fordii
A deciduous tree in the spurge family. The Tung trees flower a brilliant white "snow" across the hills of northern Taiwan in the Spring. The Tung tree was introduced from China in large numbers during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan. The tung tree was valued for its lumber and the water-resistant oil derived from its seeds. During the Japanese occupation the Hakka used the Tung trees to make toothpicks, matches and an oil-based waterproofing agent, used for umbrellas. The wood is also used to make furniture, clogs and matchsticks. The oil (China wood oil) is used today in paint, varnish, and caulk. The non-yellowing nature of Tung oil makes it an ideal sealing agent for granite or marble providing a wet stone finish. Taiwan's Hakka culture adopted the tung blossom as a symbol of Hakka culture in 2002. The trees used to be an important source of income for the Hakka.
New Garden City 花園新城 2006/4/30
   Fabales 蠶豆目
    Fabaceae (also Leguminosae) 豆科 legumes
    Plants 19242 Taiwan Acacia, Small Philippine Acacia, Formosa Acacia, Formosan Koa
Acacia confusa 相思樹, 台灣相思
of Mimosaceae 含羞草科
Walk above New Garden City 花園新城
The Taiwan Acacia blossoms with small yellow flowers in spring and summer. The seeds are poisonous. The plant is used to make a black-brown dye.
   Solanales 茄目 (Polemoniales 花蔥目) includes morning glories
    Solanaceae 茄科 nightshade or potatoes (including , eggplant, mandrake, deadly nightshade or belladonna, capsicum (paprika, chile pepper), potato, tobacco, tomato, and petunia
    Plants 11065 Jimson Weed, thorn apple, angel's trumpet, pricklyburr, devil's trumpet
曼陀羅, 喇叭花, 南洋金花, 山茄子, 鳳茄花, 風茄花
Datura suaveolens
Honghegu 紅河谷 2006/1/15, Walk above New Garden City 花園新城 2006/5/5
  Liliopsida 百合植物綱 Monocots (Monocotyledon 單子葉植物綱) includes orchids, grasses, bamboo and grains
   Liliales 百合目
    Liliaceae 百合科
    Plants 6058 Taiwan Lily 台灣百合 Lilium formosanum
New Garden City 花園新城 2007/7/15
Lilium formosanum is one of four of Taiwan's native lilies. Commonly called "wild lily" it is found widely across the island. It blooms between April and July with white blossoms emitting a sweet scent. The plants can get up to ten feet tall, but average height is four to five feet. Each stem usually has one or two flowers, but sometimes can have up to 40 flowers. The bulbs are eatable as a starchy vegetable like a potato.
   Arales 天南星目
    Araceae 天南星科
    Plants 11065 Small Dragonroot, Cobra Jack 申跋, 油跋, 小天南星
Arisaema ringens
Walk up Youmu 有木 trail from Honghegu

