< Coorong National Park Kangaroo Island >

October 19 - Cape Jervis to Kangaroo Island
19P2002 19P2003 19P2004 19J02ea 19P2005 Out of Leonards' Mill at 7:45 AM SA time
At Cape Jervis, we load the Tarago onto the SeaLink ferry for the 50 minute trip to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island.
Australian mainland ("Big Island" for KIers)
Met a young French couple on the ferry spending a year working and travelling around Australia.
Seas are a little bouncy in the middle section. The weather is clear and sunny.
19P2009 We try to arrange lodging towards the west end of the island from the tourist information center in Penneshaw.
We have a pleasant lunch in the Ozone hotel/bar in Kingscote.
Phone reception is tenuous on the road as we search for evening accommodations.
19P2010 19P2012 19P2013 19P2014 Flinders Chase Farms offers us one of their dormitory bunk-bed rooms for the night.
19G0083 19P2015 19P2016 19P2017 19G0084 19G0085 19G0086
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Steven who runs the farm adjacent to Flinders Chase National Park greets us warmly. As he talks to us, his two young daughters run up excitedly to announce there is a snake in the hen house. Steven runs off to get an ax and the two young girls promptly bring us a decapitated Black Eastern Tiger snake, as long as they are tall. The common room has a wood stove and didgeridoo. Before going to dinner we walk out into the farm's fields. Steven advises that the land is his as far as we can see and he has 5000 sheep.

19P2027 Rosella

We drive to the recently refurbished Kangaroo Island Wilderness Resort Restaurant for dinner.

19P2033 19P2037 Back at the Flinders Chase Farm, Steven drives us around his paddock in his flatbed truck for about 15 minutes to show us great numbers of kangaroos and wallabies under his powerful light. Steven's black sheep dog has hopped in back with us. Steven stops for an injured old wallaby on the way back that is having trouble walking. The wallaby gives him a light bite. It rains and is windy through the night.

< Coorong National Park Kangaroo Island >
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